MARCH 11, 2024

Greenlight Advisors, developer of welcomes Metro Parks Tacoma’s Meadow Park Golf Course to its growing list of municipal, public, and private golf clubs. By participating in the golf club benchmark service, Meadow Park can now compare their courses’ financial and operational results with regional and national courses across the country.
“We are thrilled to have Meadow Park Golf Course Manager Chris Goodman and his team at Meadow Park partner with us on our mission to help public and private golf course leaders collaborate, prosper and grow,” said Michael Suglich, CPA, and Managing Partner at Greenlight Advisors. “We believe our golf club benchmark software will help Chris and his team identify and leverage our best-in-class financial and operational golf metrics to guide Meadow Park Golf Course towards future success.”
Meadow Park is a championship 18, executive 9, and a GRAA Top 50 driving range that highlights the best teachers and coaches in golf. Meadow Park is led by Manager Chris Goodman, who continues to grow and expand the sport through long-term improvements at the facility. Goodman has pioneered inclusive teaching programs and capital improvements to enhance the driving range, making it into a world-class golf training and entertainment facility.
Goodman sees success differently. “We want to create an environment where learners of all ages, people of color feeling welcomed,” Chris said. “Inclusivity and access are what sets Meadow Park apart from many other public and private courses and this partnership helps us make this vision sustainable.”
Goodman is a member of Greenlight Advisors’ newly formed Municipal Golf Advisory Board, which represents municipal golf club leaders from across the country. The board offers strategic advice and expertise to Greenlight Advisors to help them improve their software service.
The service provides Meadow Park and other golf clubs with online access to view their courses’ financial and operational benchmark reports against regional and national averages. All the online reports use simple traffic lighting to easily identify underperforming areas of their club. This information allows course managers to measure the course’s performance with its peers, and if necessary, take steps to improve performance.
Last year, Greenlight Advisors launched a 2023 Municipal Golf Study, in partnership with Golf Inc. Magazine. The results of the 2023 study were shared with all participating courses across the country. The study produced five regional and one national best-in-class results for each course to compare their performance to. If interested in the results of the 2023 Study or participating in the 2024 Study, please contact or visit
About Greenlight Advisors and Golf Club Benchmarks
Greenlight Advisors is driven by the facts. Your Golf Club’s Financial and Operational Data are Trying to Tell You Something. We gather and illuminate your Data in easy-to-use benchmark reports to compare your financial and operational results to regional and national averages. This allows golf clubs to make informed decisions and Improve their Club’s Financial Performance.
For more information, please visit or contact
To sign up for the 2024 Golf Study, please visit
About Metro Parks Tacoma and Meadow Park Golf Course
Metro Parks Tacoma is a CAPRA-accredited, independent park district that leads efforts to build a healthy, sustainable community. Good parks, open space and program services contribute to economic development by fostering economic benefits and promoting tourism. Meadow Park Golf Course was designed by acclaimed course architect, John Ball, the course has been a fixture in South Tacoma for over 100 years. Meadow Park is a fun and challenging place to play, practice, and socialize for the whole golfing community. Whether you are a professional tour player, an amateur 6 to 86 years old, or out for a great meal, Meadow Park provides it all at an affordable price. For information, please visit