JUNE 7, 2024

Greenlight Advisors, developer of GolfClubBenchmarks.com is pleased to welcome San Antonio’s eight municipal golf courses and the Alamo City Golf Trail to its expanding membership list of municipal, public, and private golf courses from across the country. By participating in the GolfClubBenchmarks.com service, the Alamo City Golf Trail’s eight courses will now have online access to benchmark their courses financial and operational data (40 financial metrics and 20 operational metrics) and compare their results to the southwest region and national averages. This benchmark data, using simple to read traffic lighting, will allow the course managers to measure the course’s performance with its peers, and if necessary, take steps to improve performance.
“Mike and the team at Greenlight Advisors have created a product that will be invaluable to us in improving our operations. We are excited to continue sharpening our saw with their help.” said Andrew Peterson, President & CEO at Alamo City Golf Trail.
“We are thrilled to have Alamo City Golf Trail and their eight San Antonio municipal golf courses join and participate in our Golf Club Benchmark software service. In addition, we are grateful to Mr. Andrew Peterson, PGA, President & CEO at Alamo City Golf Trail for his participation on our Municipal Golf Advisory Board and helping us shape and improve our GolfClubBenchmarks.com service,” said Michael Suglich, CPA, President at Greenlight Advisors. “We believe our golf club benchmark service will help Alamo City Golf Trail’s management team identify and leverage our best-in-class financial and operational golf metrics to guide Alamo City Golf Trail to continued and future success.”
Last year, Greenlight Advisors launched a 2023 Municipal Golf Study, in partnership with Golf Inc. Magazine. The results of the 2023 study were shared with all participating courses from across the country. The study produced five regional and one national best-in-class results for each course to compare their financial and operational performance. If interested in the results of the 2023 Municipal Golf Study or participating in the 2024 Golf Study, email mike@greenlightadvisors.com or signup at https://signup.golfclubbenchmarks.com/. All municipal, public, and private courses are welcome and invited to participate in the study.
About Greenlight Advisors and Golf Club Benchmarks
Greenlight Advisors is driven by the facts. Your Golf Courses Financial and Operational Data are Trying to Tell You Something. We gather and illuminate your Data in easy-to-use benchmark reports and compare your financial and operational results to regional and national averages. This allows golf course managers to make informed decisions and improve their courses’ financial performance.
For information, visit https://golfclubbenchmarks.com/ or email mike@greenlightadvisors.com.
To sign up for the 2024 Golf Study, please visit https://signup.golfclubbenchmarks.com/.
About Alamo City Golf Trail and San Antonio Municipal Golf
The Alamo City Golf Trail is a non-profit corporation that has partnered with the City of San Antonio to operate the City’s eight golf facilities and be stewards of municipal golf. Each San Antonio golf course offers something special. Experience a walk-in history at Brackenridge Park, the oldest municipal course in Texas and the original site of the Texas Open where legends such as Hagen, Hogan, Snead, and Nelson hoisted championship trophies. Have an epic battle of skill against Cedar Creek, the toughest course and host of local US Open qualifying events or improve your golf skills at the modern and recently remodeled San Pedro Range and Par 3.